Growth, muscle creatine and supplemental GAA
- Post by: Admin
- June 26, 1956
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A simple and reliable method of extracting creatine from muscle for analysis as creatinine is described. In the absence of exogenous glycocyamine, growth was accelerated but muscle creatine levels were reduced in rats fed folacin and B12, either alone, or with methionine; growth was also accelerated in rats given folacin and B12 with choline, however, muscle creatine levels in these animals were increased rather than reduced. In the presence of exogenous glycocyamine, growth was depressed but muscle creatine was enhanced or maintained at a high level, respectively, in rats fed folacin and B12, or folacin and B12 with choline; muscle creatine levels were increased without significant growth depression in rats given glycocyamine with folacin, B12 and methionine.