GAA for growth performance
- Post by: Admin
- November 1, 2023
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This study aimed to investigate the effect of dietary guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) on the growth performance, slaughter traits, myofiber, and adenine nucleotide of meat-type rabbits. Experimental treatments consisted of control (CON) and GAA addition at 0.04% (T1), 0.08% (T2), and 0.12% (T3) of diet. A total of 240 weaned rabbits (meat-type male Chinese black rabbits) were randomly distributed into four groups with six replicates of ten rabbits each. Results showed that the three doses of GAA increased (p<0.05) final body weight, carcass weight, the density and area of quadriceps femoris fiber; and T3 showed significant effects (p<0.05) on weight gain, feed/gain, and dressing percentage, and the traits of longissimus fiber, compared to CON. Dietary GAA increased (p<0.05) the meat color a* and b* in longissimus and quadriceps; and T3 showed the lowest (p<0.05) shear force of longissimus. Furthermore, GAA increased (p<0.05) the contents of adenosine triphosphate and total adenine nucleotide in longissimus and quadriceps. In longissimus adenosine triphosphate, total adenine nucleotide, and adenylate energy charges, T3 treatment was most effective (p<0.05); while T2 and T3 treatment was more effective (p<0.05) than T1 in quadriceps. Additionally, linear or quadratic responses (p<0.05) to the increased doses of GAA were found on body weight gain, meat color, total adenine nucleotide, and adenylate energy charges. It is concluded that GAA can be used in the rabbit diet to improve growth and carcass traits, and these are related to the high levels of muscle adenine nucleotide.